Pedal cars
Price : 19.99 € approx 24 US$
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The sun is shining, all to the garden! The garden is a place of permanent discovery for children. The variety of outdoor games is important. Examples include racket plays and other sports, croquet plays, pedal cars, cycles, childrens wagons, gardening toys, etc.
Department stores offered these toys every year in their Etrennes catalogues. These catalogues were distributed near the department stores, in Paris and in the provinces, but they were also sent by mail to French campaigns. Because of their size, these toys were often priced and shipping costs could be high. The collector may have some difficulties today in developing his collection.
Note that nine-pins games, which could be played outdoors and indoors, are in the Dexterity Games category.
During the Belle Epoque, manufacturers of pedal cars competed as much on aesthetic as on mechanic topics. Like scientific toys, pedal cars have followed technological innovations closely. Antique pedal cars have thus seen themselves gradually equipped with chain, steering wheel, lanterns, horn, rubberized wheels, brakes. The body was made of wicker or wood. There are also different types of cars like Duc, Phaeton or Torpedo.
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Voiture à pé
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