Antique Dollhouses
Price : 19.99 € approx 24 US$
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Toys have always had an important educational side. Life learning often begins with the miniature simulation of future daily activities. This is how you learn to manage your home, organize your kitchen, do shopping, go to school, visit the farm or zoo, etc. It is a whole world in miniature that we find from all time in toys.
This miniature world representation is very large in the Parisian Department Stores New Year catalogues. There are dollhouses and rooms, kitchens, schools, grocery stores and other shops, farms, zoos, circuses, ...
Dollhouses always had a privileged place in the education and heart of young girls. However, their presence in the Parisian Department Stores' New Year catalogs was not regular until the beginning of the 20th century. The same is true for the rooms, salons and bedrooms, which are also very present in the Christmas catalogues from beginning of 20th century. This does not mean that they did not exist between 1875 and 1900 but their production was probably too limited to be present in the catalogues of the Parisian department stores.
Links to specialized web sites
Belle Epoque Dolls
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