Skittles - Others than Figures

Book description

This book presents to antique toys collectors nearly a hundred skittles games featuring vegetables or animals, often in paper-mache, as well as traditional wooden pins.

Price : 19.99  €  approx 24 US$

Ref :

Samples of pages...

 antique skittles game  belle epoque toys  department store  bowling pins  asparagus bowling pins  antique skittles game  rubber  antique toys  Antique French toys games dolls  book on antique skittle games antique toys collector  dog pins  bowling pins  christmas catalog  animal pins  bowling pins  vegetable pins  paper-mache  cat skittles  animal pins

Samples of pages...

 dog pins  new year gift  antique toys  belle epoque toys  rubber
 antique skittles game  Antique French toys games dolls  department store  bowling pins  new year gift
 cat skittles etrennes  vegetable pins antique toys collector  asparagus bowling pins
 department store  new year gift  asparagus bowling pins  book on antique skittle games  animal pins