Jeux de courses and Ring games

Book description

This book presents to Antique Toys collectors around 100 pictures of jeux de courses and ring games found in the New Years catalogs of Parisian Department Stores, between 1875 and 1920.

Price : 19.99  €  approx 24 US$

Ref :

Samples of pages...

Antique toys collector  automobile  ring game  car  French jeu de courses  new year gift  airplane  car  automobile  JEP  boat Antique toys collector  cycle  French jeu de courses  airplane  department store  ring game etrennes  cycle Antique toys collector

Samples of pages...

 French jeu de courses  boat Antique toys collector  antique toys  department store
 horses game  JEP  new year gift  antique toys Antique toys collector
 cycle  horses game  boat  JEP etrennes
 JdeP  belle epoque toys etrennes Antique toys collector  French jeu de courses